Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Mommy-itus (aka Speration Anxiety)

Yep... we have reached that ever so lovely phase where Mommy feels very loved and very horrible all at the same time. Moya has started freaking out when I leave her at her Nanny's, in Gaga or Daddy's arms, in her play saucer, swing, or in any way leave her line of sight. Basically if I'm not holding her she is very unhappy.

This would be bad enough as it is but Moya also has a hidden talent. Not only is she one of the cutest babies ever to grace the planet. Not only does she have a smile that envelops her entire face and lights up a room. But she also can make the most impressively pitiful faces when she cries! I mean all babies look pitiful when they cry but Moya is like some freaky genius, gifted baby when it comes to it! She can bust out with the crocodile tears and the red eyes and the furrowed brown and pouty lip in just the right way to make your heart break out of your chest and run screaming from the room as it melts into a puddle on the floor. Seriously... if pitiful was a superpower... Moya would be Superman.

I love that she loves me so much and wants to be with me. But it is just gut wrenching to see her so upset. I will be so glad when this phase is over.

She also will make it very clear to you that she wants me to hold her and not anyone else. If I am holding her she may wave and smile at Daddy or Gaga or whoever is around. But if they make a move to take her from me, she pushes their hand away and turns and clutches onto me in a big baby hug. I love it I must admit. And if someone else is holding her she may be very happy in their arms until I walk in the room, then she will practically dive out of their arms towards me. :)

So the crying and being upset when I'm gone I hope for her sake ends soon, but I do love being loved.

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