I love love love my food mill and making Moya's baby food. I feel so bad that I didn't do this for Belle. I had the faults notion back then that it would be too time consuming and difficult. But boy was I wrong. It's so easy and kinda fun really. Not to mention a total money saver! And Moya loves the food. So far her favorite is Apples. She also like pears and sweat potato and peas. She likes carrots okay but they don't digest easily for her so we give them rarely. She also has had bananas and blueberries. She like both but not her favorites. The only thing she's turned her nose up at truly is avocado... should have seen the look on her face with that one! :) Can't blame her, I can't stand them either. But they are great nutrition so I had to try them.
Belle also likes to help make the food... she won't try it, and grosses out at watching Moya eat it, but she loves to help make it. :) 

The only problem is that I've ruined Moya for store bought baby food. I had bought a few for our trip to Missouri. Moya will eat it but she does the 'yuck face' and won't eat as much of it. I can't really blame her. I've tasted both the homemade and the store bought and the store bought just doesn't even come close! So I we're on our way to turning Moya into a little foody.
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