Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fun with Munch-Munch

Daddy got Moya to laugh. He'd drag her munch-munch across her face and lift it off her and then gently lay it back across. She loved it, just laughing and laughing!

Play Saucer

Belle did the exact same thing when she was a baby and would play in this. It's so cute to see Moya do it too. She just spins the little ball and licks it.

Monday, August 17, 2009

My Pretty Girls

My babies, just melts my heart into a big puddle.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Homemade Baby Food

I love love love my food mill and making Moya's baby food. I feel so bad that I didn't do this for Belle. I had the faults notion back then that it would be too time consuming and difficult. But boy was I wrong. It's so easy and kinda fun really. Not to mention a total money saver! And Moya loves the food. So far her favorite is Apples. She also like pears and sweat potato and peas. She likes carrots okay but they don't digest easily for her so we give them rarely. She also has had bananas and blueberries. She like both but not her favorites. The only thing she's turned her nose up at truly is avocado... should have seen the look on her face with that one! :) Can't blame her, I can't stand them either. But they are great nutrition so I had to try them.
Belle also likes to help make the food... she won't try it, and grosses out at watching Moya eat it, but she loves to help make it. :)

The only problem is that I've ruined Moya for store bought baby food. I had bought a few for our trip to Missouri. Moya will eat it but she does the 'yuck face' and won't eat as much of it. I can't really blame her. I've tasted both the homemade and the store bought and the store bought just doesn't even come close! So I we're on our way to turning Moya into a little foody.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Third Tooth

I'm not sure when to date this one so I picked the 14th. About a week ago Moya was having rough days. Crying, sweating, drooling, unhappy but nothing would calm her. When I got home I was dealing with her and noticing how she was wanting to chew on me. So I did some investigating and with a flashlight and a close look finally saw a little white tooth beneath the gum. It is her upper left one. It's still not broken through yet but it is there, annoying the heck out of her.
Poor baby. I know that must hurt really bad. I remember those big front ones really annoying Belle too. Luckily we have orajel and Tylenol for the really bad days, chew toys for the rest. :)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Cousin Andy

One of the pleasant moments of our trip to Missouri to visit the Great Grandparents was Moya and Andy. Moya just LOVED Andy. Actually both Belle and Moya really love their cousin Andy. And Andy was so good with both of them. It was very cute to watch. He even got her to sleep once.

Great Grandparents

In May 2009 Belle and Moya's Great Grandmother Dorothy had a stroke. It was a bad one and we all thought she would not live out the rest of that month.

Gaga flew out to see her at the time but we couldn't right away. Thankfully Great Grandma improved some and so we came out to see her now. It was a good and very sad visit. Great Grandma was not able to move much at all and could barely talk, although she could enough for her to say she loved us. It was hard to see someone and say goodbye to her knowing we would not see her again. But it was so wonderful to see Moya sitting there with her. Moya didn't seem to mind Great Grandma's immobility. She would sit by her and pat her face and smile and chatter.

Moya also really loved seeing her Great Grandpa Ralph who she also would just pat his face and smile and smile! She also loved Grandpa's motorized chair. She would sit in his lap and reach for the controls and get very grumpy with Great Grandpa when he'd try and keep her from it. :)

I love my Grandparents and I know Moya won't remember them. But I hope they getting to see her even if only this one time filled them with joy. Great Grandma we could tell was ready to die but she was waiting to see us, to see Belle and meet Moya. She passed away almost exactly 2 weeks after our visit. I will miss her and will show Moya the pictures and videos of her visiting them and tell her about her Great Grandparents.