She sleeps pretty good at night. She'll eat around 11pm and go to sleep, wake once to eat and then go back to sleep until around 7 or 8am.
She also is no longer having any formula and hasn't since she was about 2 weeks old. My milk came in with a vengeance. Unfortunately she mostly eats via breast milk in a bottle. She got use to the bottle due to the formula and while she will take the boob she grumps about it. :) And I'd be willing to deal with that and fight her on it but I have to admit that being able to bottle feed her the breast milk really has made life easier since we also have Belle to deal with. I nurse her from the boob about once a day now and bottle feed and pump the rest. I'd worried I'd miss that closeness from only boob feeding but I still feel close to her when bottle feeding... I love how she looks up at me when she can be face up and see me while eating. :) Plus it Brad really loves being able to feed her too.
Moya also had a little cold this first month. Nothing major just a little one. Her right eye just started gooping up like mad and she had a lot of snot. The grosses thing I've ever seen come out of anyone's nose came out of my little pretty baby girl's. I was suctioning out some boggies and out of her nose plopped what looked like a dark green caterpillar! It was about half an inch long and just solid bugger! It was huge and gross. I should have taken a picture of it. :)
The doctor gave her medicine for her eye but nothing for the nose caterpillar... maybe she'll start sneezing butterflies! :)
In other news, Belle has asked if we know if Moya will be a stinker like her or not. I told her it took us until around 3 months old to know Belle would be so we should know soon enough. :)
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