Friday, February 27, 2009

1 Month Well Checkup

We went in for Moya's one month check up. Belle came with me since she was home from school due to a cold.

Moya is doing just fine. She weighs 11 pounds and 8 ounces and is 23 and 1/4 inches tall. She got one vaccination today she of course turned bright red and cried but recovered very quickly. Belle on the other hand then just launched into a verbal attack of the nurse who did it. While I had to fuss at her a little to not do that I did find it sweet that she was defending her little sister.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Rosebud Lips

I love it when babies do this. They make the little 'o' with their mouths. Looks like a little rosebud. So sweet.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

One Month Old

Moya is now a month old! Boy does time fly. I can't believe how much she's changed already. She's still in the "slug phase" as we call it. But she is becoming more alert and focusing on people more. She also smiles and chatters some... she has such a sweet voice.

She sleeps pretty good at night. She'll eat around 11pm and go to sleep, wake once to eat and then go back to sleep until around 7 or 8am.

She also is no longer having any formula and hasn't since she was about 2 weeks old. My milk came in with a vengeance. Unfortunately she mostly eats via breast milk in a bottle. She got use to the bottle due to the formula and while she will take the boob she grumps about it. :) And I'd be willing to deal with that and fight her on it but I have to admit that being able to bottle feed her the breast milk really has made life easier since we also have Belle to deal with. I nurse her from the boob about once a day now and bottle feed and pump the rest. I'd worried I'd miss that closeness from only boob feeding but I still feel close to her when bottle feeding... I love how she looks up at me when she can be face up and see me while eating. :) Plus it Brad really loves being able to feed her too.

Moya also had a little cold this first month. Nothing major just a little one. Her right eye just started gooping up like mad and she had a lot of snot. The grosses thing I've ever seen come out of anyone's nose came out of my little pretty baby girl's. I was suctioning out some boggies and out of her nose plopped what looked like a dark green caterpillar! It was about half an inch long and just solid bugger! It was huge and gross. I should have taken a picture of it. :)

The doctor gave her medicine for her eye but nothing for the nose caterpillar... maybe she'll start sneezing butterflies! :)

In other news, Belle has asked if we know if Moya will be a stinker like her or not. I told her it took us until around 3 months old to know Belle would be so we should know soon enough. :)

Moya and her Giraffe

Belle bought Moya a Giraffe as a present when we were still at the hospital. It was all Belle's idea, very sweet of her. Well of course Moya loves it. She'll stare at it and coo.

Hair and Headbands

I usually am not a fan of headbands on babies. I think they look silly to put a headband on a baby that's bald as can be. However... in this case it is perfectly fine since Moya most definitely is NOT bald. :)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Jealous Siblings

So far the jealousy over Moya has not come from Belle, but rather from my two middle children.... Koo Si and Isis. In the pictures here of my holding Isis and Moya, Isis climbed up into that position. Her total demeanor was as if she was saying "This is MY mommy!"

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Baby Smiles

I amazingly was able to catch Moya smiling in her sleep. So precious!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sleep Sounds

Moya sings in her sleep.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Lunch With Big Sister

Belle has wanted to feed Moya since almost the instant she found out I was pregnant. This was her first chance. She did great! It was so sweet to watch too.