So looks like Belle will have a little sister! She came with us and was excited. I think she was thinking the baby would be a boy but still seems thrilled with a sister. She was so cute in the room with us. She was afraid the ultrasound was hurting me but I assured her it wasn't it. She was curious about the jelly they put on my stomach and of course had to touch... which got a strong "EEEWW!!" response from Belle.
After the ultrasound we had an hour to kill before my doctor appointment so we went down to Starbucks and got a drink and let Belle call the grandparents. She called Grandma and Papi and Gaga. So cute hearing her excitedly tell them.
We then went up to my doctor. Belle got to meet Doctor Johannsen... well meet again really since she was the one to deliver Belle.
We heard the heart beat, which took some effort since the baby was still moving around like crazy. And went over the ultrasound results which were just perfect! All is well. I asked her about the sharp pains I've been having in my sides and low groin and low back/butt area. She said it all sounds like normal ligament stretching, that my cervix is closed so and as long as the pains are not long in duration it's fine.
So... another girl... very cool. Plus, think of all the baby cloths I can reuse!
Here are some ultrasound pictures and short v

1 comment:
Yay! Congratulations. A girl is perfect because Belle had so many cute clothes. You're saving tons and tons of money. I love the name and can't wait to meet the little one. :)
Love Auntie Melissa
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