Friday, April 18, 2014

Mommy Wins

Moya has been refusing to get undressed for baths lately and we have had many a fights. Tonight I saw it was gonna happen again so instead of going the normal route I tried something different. I snuck up behind her picked her up and dumped her clothes and all into the tub. She stands there as I start the water for the shower with this look. I say "I'm really gonna do it." She says "no you won't!" So I turn on the shower and start washing her!  Her face was priceless. Of course eventually we do get the clothes off. :) but the bath turned into giggles instead of tears tonight. :) 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Second Lost Tooth!

Okay this tooth was a punk! It just would not come out. It was so painful that she couldn't sleep well and was afraid to eat or brush teeth. Yesterday I even had called the dentist because the tooth was gray and the gum looked red and swollen. They set an appointment for her for today at 3pm. But finally it came out while at auntie's ... Unfortunately it disappeared! Moya says the tooth fairy took it but did later admit to swallowing it. :) We shall see is it turns up. .. Eeeww.

I'm just glad she doesn't have that pain anymore. And now she looks like. Hockey player and has a lisp. :)