Friday, May 16, 2014


Several weeks ago Moya had apparently shoved a piece of sponge like foam up her nose. She had tried to tell us but wasn't able to really articulate what she was talking about. So there it stayed for well over a week... closer to two really. She had had a cold and ear infection so we didn't think much of the runny nose. But on Saturday night I started to notice a smell coming from her nose. Sunday I investigated more and the smell was her snot and it smelled putrid. Like that smell they tell you to go to the doctor about if you have a wound that smells that way. So I thought 'okay I'll call the doctor monday.' Then we went to the park for Mother's Day (yes it was mother's day) and I happen to notice when Moya was laying on the grass something in her nose that doesn't look right. I look closer and it is definitely NOT bogies. So we decide, picnic over time to go to urgent care.

We go and they pull the sponge out and it's larger than a quarter. It was nasty. See picture bellow. Well then yesterday was Moya's follow up appointment to make sure her nose was okay. We go to her pediatrician and she looks and says that she sees something still up there and it's too far up that she isn't comfortable going after it herself. So she sends us next door to the ENT. They are very kind and work us in right away. The doctor pulls out what looks like a rotting slug from her nose.

We still don't know where she got the thing or what possessed her to put it up her nose. I feel bad for having not figured it out earlier. But just glad it is all gone now.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Mommy Wins

Moya has been refusing to get undressed for baths lately and we have had many a fights. Tonight I saw it was gonna happen again so instead of going the normal route I tried something different. I snuck up behind her picked her up and dumped her clothes and all into the tub. She stands there as I start the water for the shower with this look. I say "I'm really gonna do it." She says "no you won't!" So I turn on the shower and start washing her!  Her face was priceless. Of course eventually we do get the clothes off. :) but the bath turned into giggles instead of tears tonight. :) 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Second Lost Tooth!

Okay this tooth was a punk! It just would not come out. It was so painful that she couldn't sleep well and was afraid to eat or brush teeth. Yesterday I even had called the dentist because the tooth was gray and the gum looked red and swollen. They set an appointment for her for today at 3pm. But finally it came out while at auntie's ... Unfortunately it disappeared! Moya says the tooth fairy took it but did later admit to swallowing it. :) We shall see is it turns up. .. Eeeww.

I'm just glad she doesn't have that pain anymore. And now she looks like. Hockey player and has a lisp. :)

Friday, February 28, 2014

First Lost Tooth!

Someone lost her first tooth! Bottom front right one. We noticed it starting to get loose but then yesterday it was just bam! SOOOO looose. I can't believe she didn't lose it last night. But it hung on till today. She was eating an apple this evening and when she finished she said "Look I finished my apple" I said "Where's your tooth?"... not because I thought it was gone but because I've been checking it every time she eats anything. She pointed to her mouth and said "it's still here." But no it wasn't! I said "no Moya your tooth is gone!" And thus we began looking for it. :) Luckily it was easy to find laying on the brown throw rug in the living room by her car toys.

She was so excited! We bought her a little toothfairy box to put it in to place under her pillow. She wanted to do it so I let her. So cute her putting it under her pillow all excited.

And I think this is just the first of many to come. Her other bottom front and her top two teeth are all a bit loose. We could be hearing a seriously lisp soon. :)

*sniff* can't believe my little baby is already losing teeth!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Potty Trained! FINALLY

Moya finally sees the benefits of not using diapers. YAY!!! It is not that she didn't get what to do. And definitely isn't that she can't hold it cause she holds it all night long. The problem was she was to busy doing what she wanted to do and didn't want to be bothered to stop long enough to go to the bathroom. We had tried reward charts before but she hadn't been into it. But we decided to try it again this past year and it seemed to sink in more. So now after over a month of no accidents and in real underwear I'm calling it. She's potty trained. PHEW! SO happy! I still put her in a pullup nighttime diaper at night just in case and I have pullups for backup just in case. Like the other day she had the runs and I put her in a pull up in-case she didn't make it to the bathroom in time. But other then that she's awesome! I let her pick out underwear to buy recently too. She had some Cars ones already but decided on some pony and princess ones too. She likes a good variety of things which is great. :)