Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Cuteness In February

Just some cute moments from the rest of this month. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Urgent Care Trip

Poor baby has been really sick. Diarrhea, vomiting.. Just pitiful. But we got worried about her being dehydrated. Wasn't peeing a lot and not holding much down so we took her to urgent care. They were great to her. Putt her in a little gown and got her all comfy. They gave her some anti-nausea medication and then awhile after letting it take affect gave her a popsicle. By this time she was feeling much better and really enjoyed and had fun with that popsicle. :) She totally won over the nurse and the doctor with her personality. When the doctor came back to discharge her he asked how she was feeling and she said "oh much better. Thank you for fixing my tummy." He she could go home and get something to eat and asked what she wanted to have to eat. She said "Broccoli!" He about busted a gut laughing and asked if she could come teach his son to eat broccoli. He asked us if she really liked it and we confirmed it.

So we got her home and she was much better. Was able to get some broth to stay down and water and juice. Hopefully this'll be the end of the ickiness.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Just Us At The Park

Moya and I went up to the park in Bellevue. It was chilly but nice. We walked around the park several times and Moya loved to jump in the puddles. I can't describe what was so special about this outing but it was. It was just one of those moments where it was just me and my little girl hanging out. However it got cut short because someone decided jumping in the puddles wasn't enough and she decided to plop down in one. :) I couldn't be mad. It's what kids do.