Friday, February 25, 2011

My Cuddle Monkey

This morning I came back home after dropping Belle and Daddy off to get my work things. Gaga said you'd been calling for me in your sleep. So I go in and you are still asleep but I can't help but pick you up and cuddle you in the rocking chair. You snuggle up into my arms, eyes closed. We sit there for awhile and then I decided what the heck! I move you into my bed and lay down cuddled up with you for awhile. I knew you would wake soon but I wanted to cuddle you as long as I could.

All too soon you started to wake but that was sweet too... watching your eyes flutter open and then you smile at me. You then looked around as if to say "Whoa?! How'd I get in here!?" :) And then in your true form you start to smile and giggle and want tickles and try and get into mischief. We played and wrestled in the bed for awhile before I finally had to go to work.

I was worried that you'd be upset when I left and you obviously didn't want me to go but you didn't cry you asked for a "keees" (kiss), and a "hug" and gave me a smile and a sweet "bye bye."

I love these mornings with you my sweet. You're such a treasure. Just thinking of you makes me smile.

And tonight you were so sleepy because you refused to nap today... you grabbed your blanket and came staggering towards me holding it up and saying "baby?" which is what you say when you want to be picked up and cuddled to sleep. It was so pitiful and cute! So I pick you up and you instantly lay your head on my shoulder. Daddy gave you bunny and we went and cuddled in the rocking chair in your room. Every night when I get you to sleep I talk to you for a few minutes before getting down to business. I told you how much I love you and what a sweet girl you are. I gave you lots and lots of kisses, and sniffed in your good baby smell from you hair like I always do. But before the 2nd song on the lullaby CD was over you were fast asleep. I admit I held you longer then I needed too but how can ya blame me... you're so squishy!

I love you Moya.

Friday, February 18, 2011

2 Year Checkup

Moya had her 2 year check up today. She weighs 29.3 pounds, 75 percential. She is 34 1/4 inchs tall (50-75 percential). Healthy girl! :) And no shots today.

Doctor was very happy with her walking progress as well.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Playing with Sissy

This is insanely cute. Belle and Moya love to play together. Yes most the time Moya wants to color and Belle is playing with her big girl toys but when they get to playing....ooooooh my goodness! :) Cuteness overload!