My what a year this has been for you! You have grown so much and changed so much but yet you are still so much my little baby.
The first thing that comes to mind this year has been that you now walk! I can't tell you how happy I am and how proud of you I am. I must admit now how worried I was when the doctor first started talking about how you had weak thigh muscles and ankles. My mind started to go to worst case scenarios. I had nightmares of you in a wheelchair. And while I knew logically that you would be fine and that these were just mommy fears I couldn't help but worry anyway. You're my baby... my perfect little angel and I didn't want you to be limited by anything.
So you started physical therapy and oh my how wonderful you have done! Even your therapist, Carrie, has been amazed by your progress. I was just the other day looking at a video of you in October and how you were still struggling then to walk, and now? Now you just run everywhere! You have worked so very hard and I can just see how proud of yourself you are. You have shown me that you are going to be one of those people who when they reach an obstacle in their life they give it all they got and concur it in no time. You are such a funny, happy, loving child... but you are also a fighter. You are willful and determined. And I couldn't be happier about that.
You are also smart as can be! You talk so well and sing ALL the time! It is so precious. Your vioce just melts my heart to the core. You know your ABCs, even by sight. You can count 10 with no help and almost to 20 with no help!
Your singing should be specially talked about. You know all the words to so many songs it really is very impressive. Sometimes when I'm trying to rock you to sleep you'll start to sing and have this little smile behind your pacifier (yes you sing with it in your mouth) and it'll just get me laughing. And you know what you're doing too! You love to make people laugh. So you'll sing and I'll start laughing, then you start laughing, then we both will sing and laugh. I can't even pretend to say it upsets me that you do it to stall from sleeping, because I just love it.
Your sense of humor is just hilarious. I think you'll love the 3 Stooges when you are older. You just seem to like slap stick. But you love to get people laughing. I think this has to be one of the qualities about you I love the most... although I love everything about you. But you are such a sweet heart. So genuinely loving and want to make people smile. How can that not be a favorite quality? :) Whenever we get home from work you run to the gate at the top of the stairs and yell "DADDY!!! MOMMMYYYY!!!" Big grin on your face and stompin your feet and giggling and smiling. We come up and you will take turns running to us saying our names. You love to play games that get giggles too. You will shut the door to your room and then knock and say "Who is it?" And then open the door and say "Hello!" Or you'll hold your arm up to our mouths and we are supposed to play bite onto your shirt and grrrr like a puppy.
You are also such a stinker! :) So defiant and willful. But I love that too. You will look me in the eye and then run off and do something you know you aren't supposed too... like color on the walls! :)
I think if I had to pick something about you that really makes me happy however it is the cuddles. You will ask for hugs and kisses and just back up into my lap with a book to read and cuddle. You are very very lovey. And that's a good thing cause if you didn't like to cuddle I'd probably annoy you a lot.
You are also such a stinker! :) So defiant and willful. But I love that too. You will look me in the eye and then run off and do something you know you aren't supposed too... like color on the walls! :)
I think if I had to pick something about you that really makes me happy however it is the cuddles. You will ask for hugs and kisses and just back up into my lap with a book to read and cuddle. You are very very lovey. And that's a good thing cause if you didn't like to cuddle I'd probably annoy you a lot.
Anyway, at 2 years old you are already an amazing little girl who has won my heart completely. You are my best friend. I love you so much.
Happy birtday my love.