Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

Awesome costumes this year! Belle was Sonic and Moya was Yoda. She probably would have rather been Elmo but I figured this would probably be the last year I got to pick her outfit. :) They were so cute. We went to Redmond Town Center first and then around the neighborhood. Moya got tired so she only went for a few houses and then Daddy took her home.

She enjoyed the chocolate! haha! :)

Monday, October 18, 2010


So this will probably be the last year I'll get to pick her Halloween costume so Daddy and I went for Yoda. Mostly because of how she "Yoda's" in her toy bins. :) So it came in the mail today and we had to try it on! Somethign about Yoda sitting there with a pacifier in 'his' mouth is super super cute!

She and Belle then played lightsabers together.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Took my pumpkins to the pumpkin patch! Poor Belle was so sick we only stayed a very short time. But we had fun and Moya loved sitting on the pumpkins. She looks so beautiful.

We picked out a bunch of pumpkins and then got poor sissy home to rest. :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Moya has had a bad cold or something... high fever, very not good. Well she was sitting at the table eating and totally zoning out. Brad and I were going to go to work for a bit and Brad commented on her being a zombie baby and said "let us know if she starts saying brains." And right on cue she says "Brwaaaains."

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Physical Therapy Starts

Today was Moya's first physical therapy seasson. She really liked Carrie her therapist and had a good first day. Carrie showed me some games to play with Moya to help her learn to squat and stand to build her muscles. We also talked about some special shoe inserts to help her ankles.

Moya seemed to view the entire thing as a play date so that was good. She was however really tired afterwards! :) Definitely a work out!

I'm hopeful that this will help her.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Utinsel Use

Moya has learned to use her spoon for her cereal. Now she still prefers her fingers but it's a new thing so she likes to try the utinsels too. :)

Moya Using her Spoon

Moya is learning to use her spoon and fork and doing really really well! She loves to eat Cheerios with milk from a little bowl with her sppon. It's so insanely cute!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Silly Shirt

Moya has taken to wanting to pull her shirt off at the table. Today she only got halfway and seemed to like it there! :)